Text Message Animation (After Effects)
Today’s resource is a free text message animation!
The download includes Adobe After Effects CS5+ (including CC2019) project files with 3 right text messages.
The download also includes two mp3s, one with the popular iPhone message sound effect and a keyboard clicking sound effect!
This version is for personal use only, if you would like to use it commercially or in your freelance projects, please check out Text Message Kit.
If you like it, please share it for others to enjoy as well.
This is awesome! How did you get the Point Control on the controller adjustment layers to affect the color of the text message boxes?! I’ve been trying to figure it out for like an hour!
No problem, I linked the fill color of the background layer to the “Main” comp’s color expression, via this expression on the fill layer “comp(“Main”).layer(“Text Message Left Controller 1”).effect(“Color”)(“Color”)”.
Hi! I just downloaded this awesome effect but I can’t make it work on my After Effects CC. Every time I open the project, it pops up an error message. Could you help me?
Not sure what it could be, could you maybe copy and paste the error and I’ll look into it.
How can I download this?
Hello. To download, simply click the download button on the top right and insert the email address you wish to have the download send to.
If you have any troubles with the download, just message me!
Hi, I’ve clicked the download link and sent my email but I haven’t received the link yet.
Hi Gina, It seems to take around 1-2 minutes for some users, so let me know if you are still not seeing the download. It sometimes sends to the junk folder as well, especially if you click the download button more than once, so check that out as well. Thanks!
Hi, it doesn’t work. Could you give us any solution? Thanks!!!
Hello, I think the issue you may be having that is the resource only works in AE CS6 and higher.
Thanks so much man! I was looking for this for a long time! Great work! Cheers!!!
Great, I’m glad you are enjoying it!
This is exactly what I have been looking for! Thank you so much for sharing. Am I able to use this on iMovie? Can’t seem to find away to use it on there. Thanks 🙂
Sorry, it’s After Effects specific, since it has a lot of text control features that are only available in AE.
Damn, i’m running CS5.5.. could have done with this as well 🙁
I’ll try to save for CS5.5 when possible in the future!
Just a quick update, I saved back to CS5 in case that helps anyone else!
whenever i click download and enter my email it doesnt send the link i have tried multiple ties. please help
Sorry about that, check your spam folder, it it’s not showing up, let me know and I can send you a link!
Looks like I’m having the same problem scott is above. I entered my email, but the link didn’t send 🙁
Hello, sorry you’re having trouble, I would check you spam folder. The download usually takes about 20-30 seconds to send, and if you send more than 1 request in that time your spam inbox might kick in when the email sends with the link. Send me a message if it’s not in there!
Looks like I’m having the same problem scott is above. I entered my email, but the link didn’t send 🙁
Hello, I just tested it and it worked for me. It may have gone to your spam folder, check that out and let me know if it sent there!
Hey Thomas!
This is really sick 😀 Thanks for making this free. I was wondering, is it possible to use this effect as an overlay on top of a video? Like, say if I wanted to have a video of me pretending to text, could I possibly have this effect playing at the same time on the side of the screen? Thanks again!
Hello Aravinth, yes that’s exactly what the kit is for, creating these as overlays. You can control everything in the message – the opacity of the box, the text, the anchor points.
If you have any questions, please feel free to messsage me!
Hey Tom! Any tips on how I can change the point at which the effect starts over my background footage? It’s starting too quickly right now. Thanks!
Hello Braeden,
You should just be able to slide the layer in the timeline over to when you want to message to start. If that doesn’t make sense, message me and I can show you a screenshot of what I mean! Thanks!
This is awesome, thanks so much for this! I’m a bit of a newbie with all this AE stuff, do you mind going through how I can scale the text box? I’m struggling to get it to fit with the amount of text I want to use. Again, thank you so much it’s perfect!
You are welcome! to scale the box, you have to adjust the X and Y Scale on the controller layer, or you can scale the whole message up by just adjusting the scale parameter from the main comp.
If you are new to AE, and would like detailed video tutorials explaining how to use this, I would recommend purchasing the full version, as it may save you a lot of time and show you exactly how to edit them step by step!
Hey Man!
I can’t see to get the files? Ive sent it twice now.
Hello. Sometimes it seems the download takes a minute or two to show up, if you’re not seeing it after a little bit message me and I’ll directly send a link!
Hey 🙂
Thanks for this animation, but I’m trying to download it. I filled my email but I didn’t receive anything… Is there a problem with the link ? Thanks
Hey! I want to use this animation for a school project but I want to share the video in youtube, is there a problem? Thanks!!!
Hi Leslie, Thanks for asking! If it’s going on Youtube, you would need to purchase the full version of the project file. If you run into any snags or have any questions, just message me!
I did not get an Email
Hey Chris,
Did you check your spam folder? It takes about 5 minutes for the link to show up for emails, I’m not sure why, but if it still hasn’t sent please message me back.
Hey, can you send me this freebie?
I can’t download.
Hello, sorry about the download link not working, it was just brought to my attention! I fixed the issue, please try to download the resource again, it will work this time!
I don’t seem to be getting an email either. I’ve waited over 5 mins and there’s nothing in inbox or spam folder. I’m excited to play with this effect if you could provide a link. Thank you!
Hi Aaron, sorry about the download link not working! I fixed the issue, please try to download the resource again, it should send right away.
Hi… I’m a newbie in AE (literally. Have never even seen the software) and the problem is my boss wanted me to make a short movie to include this text messaging effect (well, whatsapp to be exact but I don’t find any template specifically catered to whatsapp effect). This template/tutorial is pretty easy to follow even for a newbie like me but I still don’t understand some bits. If you don’t mind, my questions are:
1. Can I add images instead of text messages? How to do that?
2. Can I add more text messages? The template only provides 4 messages per person and if it’s possible I want to add more conversation.
3. Lastly, how do I add 1 more person to the conversation? We already have Person A and Person B. Now, I want to add Person C.
Please pardon my English. It’s not my native language. And so sorry if I sound rude to you. I’m not sure how to convey what I want. Hope you can help me but it’s fine if you can’t.
Thank you so much!
This free version is not supported. I would recommend purchasing the full version, it has detailed video tutorials that will walk you through all the questions you have!
Hey Thomas, do you know if it’s possible to include an emoji? I’ve bought the full product but am having trouble trying to cut and paste one into my text message, any ideas? thanks
Hi Ben, I would treat it like adding an image. Within the tutorials it covers adding images, but if you have any questions specifically please feel free to message me at [email protected].
Hi there!
I was just wondering how you get rid of the background on the animation? I’ve put the text in that I want and got everything looking (as I think) it should but as I then go to overlay the animation on top of an image, there’s a black box behind the animation but over the image (if that makes sense)
Hello! Unfortunately, I only offer support for the paid version of the product.